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Christ Church CE Primary School

'With God,
all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26)

Welcome to  the Year 4 Class Page!

This page is intended to give parents and carers up-to-date information about what is  happening in Year 4.



                                  Teacher: Miss Saul                                            Teaching Assistant: Miss Farley 

Curriculum Information

Please find below details of what your children will be learning about over the year. 

Year 4 Long Term Plan

Year 4   Timetable

Year 4 Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview


Children will bring home a book which is appropriately pitched at their level of fluency and comprehension. This is done based on their Accelerated Reader ZPD range. In Year 4 we expect that your child reads at home each evening and that they make a comment about what they are reading in their reading record. All children will need to bring their book and reading record into school each Friday. A reading club takes place each Friday for children who do not read at home during the week. 

When your child feels that they are confident with reading the book, they will take the quiz in school and then change their book. The children must complete the quiz before changing their book. The quiz ensures that your child is reading at the correct level and ensures their understanding and comprehension of the text, allowing us to monitor their progress closely.

Reading is an essential activity to support  your child's learning and they should be reading as widely and as often as possible. Please do not underestimate the importance of reading to your children too, regardless of your child's competence in reading as this provides a great opportunity for you to chat about books and extend your child's vocabulary


In Year 3 and 4, we are working towards the Y3 and 4 spelling list. To achieve this we are using Read, Write, Inc Spelling daily. Spellings set out in the National Curriculum are taught progressively over Years 3 and 4.

Please see below the Year 3  and 4 spelling list, as set out by the National Curriculum:

t2 e 3099 statutory spellings years 3 and 4 word mat ver 3.pdf

Times Tables Rock Stars

In Year 4 we are really practising recalling our times tables knowledge ready for the Multiplication Tables Check in June 2023.  To help us, we regularly use Times Tables Rock Stars in school and encourage the children to continue to practise at home. There are different rock statuses the children can achieve and we hope that everyone can be a Rock Star or Rock Legend by the end of Year 4.

Rock Status:

  • Rock Hero (average speed of less than 1 second per question)  
  • Rock Legends (average speed of less than 2 seconds per question) 
  • Rock Stars (average speed between 2 and 3 seconds per question) 


PE takes place every Thursday , so please ensure your child comes to school in a full school PE kit on this day: 

  • Plain white t-shirt/polo
  • Black or navy shorts/leggings/skort
  • Red school jumper/cardigan
  • Trainers/pumps
  • Optional navy tracksuit

Please note: Football kits and branded sportswear is not acceptable PE kit. If your child is not in the correct PE kit, they will be loaned a freshly laundered item from school as per our uniform policy. Full details  can be found by clicking this link: School Uniform


At Christ Church, we aim to offer an array of clubs and activities for our pupils. All information regarding clubs is relayed to parents via SIMS InTouch allowing you the opportunity to sign your child up instantly. All clubs are free of charge but may be limited by numbers. 

In Autumn1, Year 4 extra-curricular clubs are: 

  • Thursday: Dance Club (3:30pm - 4:30pm)
  • Thursday: Philately Club (3:30pm - 4:30pm)
  • Thursday: Football Club (3:30pm - 4:30pm)
  • Thursday: Choir (lunchtime)


Every child is expected to read on a daily basis at home  and mathematics and grammar homework will also be set every Monday and is expected to be returned to school no later than Friday morning in your child's book bag. A homework club take place each Friday for children who do not return their homework or who would rather do their homework in school.

Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button should also be accessed to support your child’s learning and progress. In your child's bookbag you will find a list of logins to these websites, if you require a new list please see Miss Saul. Useful links will also be sent each half term on the class curriculum overview.

Help At Home 

Parental support is very beneficial and there are many ways to support children in their learning at home. Encourage your child to practise their spellings and times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars, and to complete their homework which they are given on Mondays.

At the start of the school year, each child is provided with a card containing their log-in details for useful websites/apps that are used in school to support learning. We strongly encourage your child to access these learning platforms at home as much as possible in order to develop their basic skills. Each week in Celebration Worship, certificates are awarded to children to reflect their progress, engagement and effort. 

Please click on the links below for further information:


Contacting Us

At Christ Church, we operate an 'open door' policy and the quickest and easiest way to speak with your child's class teacher is at the start or end of the day when they are usually available on the Key Stage 2 Playground. If you need a more detailed discussion or would like to arrange an appointment, please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways:

 Year 4 Gallery

Year 4